
News, Events and Updates

News 2024-08-08 05:54:21 BETA TEST EVENT


🛠️ Mechanics:🛠️

📌 As you all know, we are now in our Beta Test Phase to Aion Zone 6.2, and we would like to ask for your help!

📌 If you encounter a bug in our current Beta Test, submit it in our Bug Report Channel while following the proof format!

📌 If your bug report is deemed valid by @AZone Revenant 6.2 or our Admin Team, you will get the chance to win a prize!

📌 Collect as many bugs as you can to win more rewards!

🛠️ Rules 🛠️

📌 Everyone is allowed to join.

📌 Every bug should be reported in our Bug Report Channel with the correct format

 📌 Video proof would be the best option to report a bug, but screenshots are acceptable as long as the screenshot/s will provide accurate details. 📌 Only posts that are tagged as "Valid" will be able to receive a reward.

📌 Once a bug is reported, you cannot report the same bug of the same nature to receive another reward.


🛠️ Rewards 🛠️

📌 Once your report is considered "Valid" it will also be tagged as a "Minor Bug" or "Major Bug" by our Admin Team.

📌 You can select one (1) reward based on the type of Bug your report was categorized.

📌 There is no limit to how many times you claim, the more valid reports you send the more rewards you can claim.


👑 Major Reward 👑

:icon_item_ingame_familiar_contra: Grade A-D Minion Contract x 10

:icon_item_familiar_evolutionston: Class A Minionite x 500

:icon_item_familiar_functionstone: Contract Stone x 500

:icon_item_matter_option_r01: Legendary Manastone x 50

:icon_item_mix_crystal_05: Manastone Fastener x 100

:icon_item_enchant_pvp_r01: Legendary PvP Enchantment Stone x 30

:icon_item_enchant_pve_r01: Legendary PvE Enchantment Stone x 30

:icon_item_sack05: Golden Cubicle Bundle x 5


🏅 Minor Reward🏅

:icon_item_ingame_familiar_contra: Grade A-D Minion Contract x 5

:icon_item_familiar_evolutionston: Class B Minionite x 500

:icon_item_familiar_functionstone: Contract Stone x 500

:icon_item_matter_option_a01: Ancient Manastone x 50

:icon_item_mix_crystal_05: Manastone Fastener x 50

:icon_item_enchant_pvp_a01: Ancient PvP Enchantment Stone x 20

:icon_item_enchant_pve_a01: Ancient PvE Enchantment Stone x 20

:icon_item_sack05: Silver Cubicle Bundle x 5

:icon_item_sack05: Bronze Cubicle Bundle x 10


🛠️ Format 🛠️

📌 Whenever you are submitting a report, please follow the format below:

📌 Make sure that all bugs are posted in our Bug Report Channel.

Description: (Share a short description of the bug) Expected Output: (What should be the correct output) Bug Proof: (Video/Screenshot Proof) Example: Description: Ancient Transformation Contract opens Legendary Transformations Expected Output:

The contract should give only Ancient Transformations Bug Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO_01LCT6wQ